Your donations will help those with ALS and their families afford the necessary medical expenses, accessibility equipment, home modifications, respite care, and essential support required with this complicated and incurable condition.

Together, we can ensure that the quality of life remains high for ALS patients and their loved ones, providing hope, assistance, and comfort to those facing the challenges of ALS.

 Our Current Campaign consists of in-person events and an always-on social initiative driven by those who are InfluentiALS in their communities (however you define influential and community). Paricipants take a cold plunge and make a fun video to raise awareness around the extremely high costs associated with support and care for those with ALS and their families, general wellness benefits of cold immersion.

By interacting and engaging with content and sharing your own experiences, each person and post plays a vital role in generating momentum and support for those affected by ALS.

InfluentiALS Foundation, Inc. invites and encourages individuals, businesses, and organizations to “get freezin’ for a reason” and enjoy the therapeutic benefits of cold therapy while contributing to a vital cause. Through collective action and support, the foundation aims to provide hope, assistance, and comfort to those facing the challenges of ALS.


Legal & Compliance Disclaimer: Consult your physician before participating in or applying any wellness-related content or activities, including but not limited to exercise routines, diet plans, ice baths/plunges, cold showers, immersions, breathwork, and any other physical or mental wellness activities. This content is for informational purposes only and is not considered medical advice.